Holzberg Jeseníky | accommodation, wellness, restaurant | +420 722 175 749 | recepce@holzberg-jeseniky.cz

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Meeting room

Spaces of meeting room in Hotel Holzberg can be used for family celebrations, weddings, important events as team buildings, meetings, conferences or trainings, etc. Meeting room is equipped by modern projector and sound system BOSE with option to connect your PC. Also, there is a WiFi connection.

Seating capacity is 80 guests. Includes complete catering service.

Operation hours depends on each event (wedding, team building, training). It is necessary to contact the reception Hotelu Holzberg and agree the conditions before your event.

For more information or specific price offer, please contact reception Hotel Holzberg by e-mail: objednavka@holzberg-jeseniky.cz or by phone +420 724 238 508.